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My Current Favourite Makeup Products To Cover Adult Acne

My skin is currently an ongoing battle. It is a mishmash of adult acne and scarring, rosacea, dry patches and major sensitivity. Plus there is always that dreaded threat of unwanted hair. If this was the Victorian era, I would probably be the bearded lady in a circus act.  It has taken me many years to perfect my make-up routine in order to get good blemish coverage, without the risk of caking and creasing, and I think I have finally mastered it. I won’t harp on about the need to drink more water, cleanse, exfoliate and moisturise, but this daily routine does provide the best base for a smooth photo ready finish.  My current favourite products: No7 Airbrush Away  - This is a foundation that does exactly what it says on the tin, easy to apply and fantastic coverage, without being too thick and heavy. It also gives me a lovely healthy glow and dry patches aren’t left feeling tight or grainy. The great bonus with No7 is the Boots’ Match Made Service

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